Category: Vanni
Next: we discuss the tattoo. Each attendant of these services will choose an inking that will open their physical experience here. It is agreed in our initial groundwork session, carefully outlined in the legal documentations, waivers, and consent forms, that each participant will be inked with a symbol of their choice, to commemorate their initiation.
To be clear, I am not suggesting that everyone the world over need adopt this practice. Not every sexual act need be matched with a mark. But it is part of my own regulations to demarcate the opening of a door. Responsible for the invitation I am giving. I must ask you to do this, you see. (Take a spin over to your local physics department and they’ll have a formula or three that may help.) It is crystal clear to me that the experiences and experiments we undertake will bring notable change to your consciousness, change that is real and lasting. (True of any experience, yes. We focus the lens.) It is important to physically acknowledge this, out loud, in the flesh, before overt sexual contact is generated. It is an important threshold for us, a gift I am committed to offering your sacred personage. (And yes, I believe wholly that my own experience changes me with each encounter, thus my own skin grows a symphony of liminal patterning, as you can see. You’ll be welcome to try to see it all at once, once you’ve come across your own doorstep.) The exact inking is open to your choice, both in location and detail. We will see to its completion in one session. It then serves as a useful reroute for neural pathways anytime we find ourselves immersed in memory functions that require immersive healing. You see the mark of your own threshold crossed and thus are supported to remain anchored in the infinity of the Present.
I trust you understand the purpose and importance of this step. If you don’t, please seek understanding. Questions are welcome and essential here.
I expect you to hold yourself in the highest esteem while you are here seeking my services; when that is unavailable, you must be able to acknowledge another person holding you in the highest esteem. I’m not here to fuck around. (Odd anyone would think otherwise.) I implore you: do not degrade your own experience with doubt. You have your own tools which you can wield with powerful magic, and we’re dedicated to cultivating your natural aptitudes here. Awaken senses. Accelerate heartbeat. Affect destiny. Align with the purpose of your choice. Come. Alive. Here.
Trust, I will say this every time:
Everything, every moment, is in a process of birthing & killing, dying & rebirthing.
Little deaths open doors for new beings. New beings bring new eras. It’s common, and yet commonly missed. In birth, the old form dies and transforms multiplied. Let go fully and you will become new.
It’s just like the Baptists are always going on about.
But without the witness of Consent, baptism, like sex, is just glorified dunking. Waterboarding, even. With Consent, it becomes a holy act, a flame of purification, a rope bridge turned to swinging catapult into warm waters at the flick of a sword. It’s what it feels like to call back home the devil and the god, to welcome them in from the snow, feed them warm soup, listen to them giggle together, in love. How it feels to love something from first conception to last contraction. To be rendered in two and remain whole.
These are the tools of the lineage. We apply them to the work of sexual healing, and here you have your sacred parthenogenesis. You’ve gone and pulled yourself out of your own cunt again.
In the work that honors this temple, it’s only right & proper that I express the truth of what I am capable. As well as the truth of my limitations & boundaries. That way, there’s quite a tidy & clear space for you to share of what you are, making way for what you are becoming.
For one thing, the person you will be will have an exceptional tattoo. That person will be utterly different each time we meet, and thus we nod to one another like a bow at the beginning of a long meditation or a handshake before a good thorough mud wrestling brawl.
Welcome, as I said, to the fold.
Between blankets and groundcover:
these arms.
If she was Mother she was Lover, Survivor,
or Both.
Mary, Holy Mother, and Miriam, Benedictia,
we honour and bow deeply in the temple
of Your creation.
Ecstatic Yes of Magdalene, of Miriam, of Inanna through Thérèse and beyond: we receive the gifts of your Choices.
With eyes open we add our own.
**Fine Print: The ink is, indeed, permanent but also alterable. Everything and nothing is permanent. You are free, of course, to suggest another physical alteration of your preference during this ceremony, provided you can speak clearly for why it is of special significance to you. It must be stored physically on the flesh. I say this not for my benefit but because it’s a reminder to you of your own Choice, and it provides you with a prompt to revisit this Choice each time it is encountered. Sati. Anchor. Consent.**
Session One: Paperwork
Bodhisattva of Compassion
War is Over
{Excerpt #7, journal of a sacred whore.}
The convent where I grew up in Sussex was of the Discalced Carmelite Order number 11 [1]. In addition to raising me with the vital minerals and vitamins of curiosity, feminism, and laughter, the Sisters passed on an underground esoteric teaching, when they deemed it was time for my illumination. Within the OCDXI exists a secret historical lineage only allowed to be transmitted orally so as to secure and obscure the location of the written gospels that give witness to this history. I’ll not disgrace the sanctity of the Order by giving pen to any part of those teachings, not here nor anywhere. I’ll simply name that they pointed me rightly in the direction by which I became initiate of Magdalene. You’ll not find accurate material published on any of these, for none was ever put to papyrus nor pixel and none shall be.
What I can inlay into ink & paper, however, is relevant to the healing process of my current clientelle. These teachings are shared amongst obscure sects of practicing Carmelites, held sacred in the ethics of the OCD. While largely unpublicized and therefore widely misunderstood, they are not secreted in the manner of those gospels guarded by OCDXI, so they remain sacrosanct when discussed plainly. And they were the first given to me by the Sisters who raised me, offering the utmost compassion to weave into the world of my early childhood.
I speak of the one widely known as the Virgin Mother.
One interesting thing about the Virgin Birth narrative is that it focuses so completely on paternal parentage. Almost as if the foundations of patriarchy were already set, already heavily invested in writing the story, no?
As such, they were highly obsessed with naming the paternal parentage of said savior, as if the Mother’s blood which flowed within were of no consequence. The practice of naming paternity as the deciding factor of lineage, that was of a patriarchal order concerned with passing property and titles down to the male heirs. Noted: at the time, it was legal practice to stone a woman who conceived out of wedlock. Execution was punishment for rape, for adultery, for incest, all treated the same. Recognize: the violence was to protect the paternal lineage and therefore property rights & titles passed down in a patriarchal political order. Indeed. And that order had in its conditioning a belief system in which a woman was “possessed” by the father, as if taken, occupied, conquered, by the seed of the masculine participant in procreation [2]. That whole nonsense, utterly engulfed in rape culture, was an idea of woman as receptacle, in a terror borne of rape used as a weapon of warfare.
That Jesus had the blood of the Mother running in his veins, this makes for a very different cosmology and a very different narrative of what the fuck went down there.
If you will set aside, for a just moment, the question of consensual conception (I know, you’re surprised I’m willing to do this, but stay with me here:) then you still have the ongoing consent required for Mary to actually carry that fetus to term. And I don’t just mean rational, intellectual agreement, or egoic willingness. I am specifically pointing out the embodied consciousness required to incubate a creature in the Womb [3]. It requires the physical molecules of the ever-renewing Body of Nature to continually re-affirm and resource the growing fetus. It could change its Mind at any moment. And, in this case, this version of Consent has gone highly underestimated for a long time: the value of participation of the pregnant Mother. Fed directly by what is Earth.
So it follows that the patriarchal narrative deeply discounted the fact that this Child was made as equally of its Mother as it was of its Father. You know, like all creatures born of conception, immaculate or otherwise. For all the lofty, highbrow, cerebral deification of the paternity of that One, we can recognize the simple fact, even in the mythos of the neochristian bible, that the Virgin Mother carried that child to term. Which means she fed it with her Body. Her Breath. Her Choice.
Jesus is as much a result of “immaculate” insemination as he is of a woman’s holy earthen right to choose. [4]
And so, if we’re willing to undo the spell of patriarchy, we are also willing to see Mary’s gifts as they actually were, rather than how that marketing campaign has painted them. Which is to say, her choices made possible an experience of the Divine in human form. But not because she was overtaken by some holy coercion. Because she fucking chose to have that child. As she could have legitimately, and divinely, chosen not to.
And. Her choice was as much about self-preservation as it was about devotion. Both of those, to be sure, are expressions of Love. Read: her willingness to carry that child to term was an act of courage & resolve. A testament to her own faith, as well as to the support systems she had in place. Midwives, sisters, friends, communities of women practicing red-tent level sacred rites: they gave her support, and it honored the Choice she made.
And. Unlike the modern re-interpretations: that Mother, as earthen embodied Love, retained sovereignty over her sexual Nature. Her fertility. Her experience of pregnancy and birth. Her lineage.
So. In the devoted, compassionate tutelage of a circle of Sisters of the OCDXI, it was made clear to me by the time I came of age: your sexuality, humanborn soul, is about more than procreation. It is an expression of divinity incarnate, a temple where you get to practice the holysacred rite of Choice.
True to their devotion, the Sisters taught me honesty from day one. And they were truthful with me about my own origins; they told me everything they knew about my own Mother and her Choices.
My Mother came to the convent five months pregnant, multiply traumatized by an unsuccessful abortion, an unwanted pregnancy, and the rape that implanted the almost-aborted, i.e. “me.” The rapist was never found—some frat party drunks used my mother as a receptacle for their disowned Shame. She told the Sisters very little about what happened, and the little she told them was full of holes. She had been to a party. She was walking home late. There were three males behind her. They whacked her head. Broken bottles. No one else around. She went to the police. But this was the 70s. They didn’t help at all. They gave her some bandages for the welt on her head, told her she was drunk. She told the Sisters that she wound up hating those officers even more than the rapists, whom she never saw again but whom she saw conjured into every male face.
The Sisters told me my Mother had always been an extremely intelligent, gentle, adventuresome, and dreamy young lady. She had been coming to study with the Carmelites steadily for a few years, having finally ventured out beyond the traditions set by her strict widower father, an Italian immigrant with whom she loyally attended daily Mass, even after she left for college. As a teenager, she was always bringing interesting little bird-like questions to the Sisters (“What happened to the book of Mary? And Martha?” “Who translated Leviticus and why has no one added a cultural disclaimer?” “Do you know where Jesus went during the years that he’s missing from the Bible?” “If wasting seed is a sin, should I stop eating sunflower seeds? I really like them. What if I plant just as many sunflowers as I eat?”) Her irrepressible curiosity and honest nature were growing her into an intelligent, contemplative adult. And then—poof!—one day everything changed.
This was true for my mother, this irrevocable change, and it has been so for many, many, many human beings before and since.
My mother killed herself in the convent just three nights into my life.
Much as I didn’t understand and don’t still, I understand this.
I grew up wanting to kill those rapists whose souls the Sisters prayed for, kill them all, kill every last one; the whole convent recognized this and raised me according to their principles of mercy, hope, unconditional forgiveness, and everlasting love. The way I saw it as a child, they had total faith, complete and utter unwavering faith, and it hadn’t saved my mother: not from rape nor from death. In the belief system they honored, my mother’s free spirit was imprisoned in purgatory while the rapists were free to roam the Earth in a hell of their own making, free to share that hell with any of us at any time. I failed to see the eschatological justice in this.
Faith had not yet provided a world in which these things didn’t happen; this the Sisters acknowledged. The closest thing they could do was raise its child and raise me right. They were clear on one thing: the convent was given this child so that they could contribute to the healing of suffering. Jesus was One Child, they said. And so was I. So they let me be who I was, let me talk the confessional right foggy with homicidal ideation, let me hold the reality of horrible injustice and distressing imbalance, let me find my way into myself from the ugly turmoil of my origins.
Looking back, I suppose they had their way. I haven’t killed a single rapist, to my knowledge. But I have killed what makes them rapists. I have killed rape. I’ve gotten my hands round it, looked it in its flinching eye, and wrung its neck, many times over. Smiling. And I will kill it over and over, I will hold its funeral services over and over, I will celebrate its passing over and over and over. The world that is rising out of post-patriarchal-paralysis will not know of this thing we’ve come to call “rape.” The new era will have no such word, conceive of no such action. The future is made of Consent, which is created in the Liberation of every single element of the living body of Earth.
Everything we do to another, we do to ourselves. Those who do not hate themselves do not commit acts of hatred to another.
Simple, it seems. But twisted, and treacherous. Human beings have become insane with our writhing and flailing and dodging the Truth of our Presence. We wail to know the Divine but we won’t answer the door when It calls on us, won’t adore Its etchings on the canvass of our skin, won’t take the time to paint Its portrait. Neurotic flock we are, scrambling in self-righteous circles when we’ve got God in all directions, God in the lungs and gills, God in the hot and cold, God in the waking and the dreaming.
So, being of and with the world’s era, I grew up with many of the same hidden challenges, the same typical drawbacks conditioned in colonized infrastructure. Even as I began to garner the blessing of knowing where I was going and what I was creating, I still lacked insight about the next stepping stone. As happens quite often, I knew where I wanted to go; what I didn’t yet know was how to get there. By the time that I left for University, I set about getting to the next step by asking a lot of questions upon the step where I stood. Who exactly are all these rapists and what are they actually thinking? What do they eat, where do they shit, what do their faces look like when they’re sleeping? What is the state of the world in which we live if there are people who get their rocks off specifically on taking something that is not given? What creates this malfunction, and what could I do to destroy it?
What happens when the thermostat of the culture is set to almost a full hundred degrees, the same temperature as our holysacred bodies, but the rules those bodies are asked to uphold include keeping butter from melting and keeping the sheets from staining? What happens when our lofty intellectual and spiritual pursuits leave no space and give no mention to the Sacred Animal Nature of Sexuality? What happens when the outright repression of sexual motivations is so well-explained as to be made superior to that “defeat,” that “giving in to the flesh” that is called a sin by pope and politician alike? What if that “sin” is then sensationalized into a dissociative ego trip that always misses the mark no matter how many times the bull’s eye is whacked? What if the body of consciousness is over-analyzed and under-loved, over-sexed and under-touched, over-easy and under-done? What happens then?
People begin to confuse “want” and “need,” going crazy with an internal battle and an impossible barricade. And we lose touch with ourselves. And we give up. And we go on killing sprees, whether inside or outside of our sovereign bodies.
My mother was a casualty of the sex war. I will not be. My mother was a casualty of sexual violence, and she was not the only one. As a living being sharing the blood of my mother and the blood of a rapist, I choose to end this war. In the name of the Mother’s holy right to Choose, I choose this.
Genetic marvel stepping beyond the given roles of Attacker and Victim, I am mutating the gene pool. At my confessional, the conversation does not end with Wrong and Wronged. This religion is ancient, resurrected, and open for business. Separation is not employed here as a tool of penitence, avoidance, or convenience. The Godflesh of Holy Animalia shall not be revoked of its sacred sovereignty, its right to unveil Divinity through every breathing molecule of existence.
Whatever has come to pass, we are made of the Earth saving itself. And I am made to adore the Earth.
I am an initiate of OCDXI, a Priestess of Magdalene, and a Sacred Whore of Babylawn. The tears of my pilgrims unsalt the Earth of a new era.
I choose it because I can.
This war ends with me.
1. OCDXI. That’s funny. Really. Fucking. Funny. Only the most dedicated esoteric symbolism hacks are gonna get that fucking joke. That makes it funnier.
2. Notable poetry from the science of genetics: that worldview basically comes down to putting value only on Y chromosomes… which is funny, because everyone has the X. Everyone. Some have more than one. So the Old World Order was built upon specifically assigning value to that which only some of us have, rather than that which is in all of us. Interesting. Special. Transparent as fuck.
3. Or Egg.
4. I support Mary’s right to choose.
V Club Art Challenge
V Assignment
{Excerpt #5, journal of a sacred whore.}
They ask me how to be sure it’s safe in here. I say: first find safety in there. I vow to do the same, and when we bring our own safety we can trust the agreements we create together.
They ask me how to have sex when they’ve known it before as a weapon. I hear. They ask me how to make room for forgiveness in a world where such things persist. I hear. They ask me why the fuck not just turn it off and move along. So.
I always say the same thing: find your center and walk. Walk forward. Further down your own path. Come along. We’re going somewhere together. Remember where you’re going. (Or make it up. Or choose anew. Or be still. But always: continue.) That’s part of why I am here: to encourage your continued vigor. To unlock the places where you have carried distrust in your own vessel. To promise to be present with you through the swailing, to hold vigil in the charred memorial, to hear you when you find yourself alive and aware. I will be there for that. When you show up here, for this, wherever you are when you’re ready.
I don’t have the answers to your questions. We’re going to find out those answers together, because you’re going to be finding them out. I’m not here to save you, to be sure. You can do that yourself, and perhaps you’ll find that you must. But I vow to breathe in your silences, to hear rather than fill them. To nourish your fertile balances. To listen for where you’re going and to be there when you arrive. For all your smouldering Edens I have good coffee grounds & compost & beetles, seeds & larks & honeybees. Clover & moss & velvet.
It’s my pleasure to watch you grow. It’s your pleasure I propose to grow. Pleasure is a well-honed evolutionary tool in my belt, and it can be incredibly efficient when wielded wisely. You have my word that my work is dedicated to wisdom in wielding. It’s not your job to figure that out. It’s your job to be honest, to tend your agreements, and to lean into your own growth. There are many shapes this can take, depending on the elements to be rendered. I assure you, my tools work in all manner of alchemical equations. The exchange is always equitable: we will discuss this until we create an arrangement suitable for both of us.
My own mission is fairly simple. The memories of rape culture live in the collective unconscious. We heal in the present, where traumatic memories can be given re-routes if we have the tools & supports to successfully pattern-interrupt. It is my job (my actual profession) to assist in healing the splits, rewiring the electrical configurations, stitching the tissues together. Showing up, paying attention. Supporting you in danger with a steady hand. Instrument tuned, streaming. Hips nearly swimming. Awash. Heartrinse. Spin cycle. Come up for air. Let the current float you. Come. Alive. Here.
In our work: your honest will, your heart’s consent only, your authentic self-actualization: it is the singular appetizing spark to this tongue. Respect for your choices will fill the above and below, polishing up the mirrorball that is my only visible toy. Your every move will be encompassed, your journey sovereign, so good news: there’s nowhere to hide.
I’ve compassion for the vulnerable and the hidden, but I have not the time nor the pity for hiding. Do not waste your mirth on mockery. You’ll need to be willing to come out, or at least to begin with recognizing there’s somewhere out of which to come. There’s a difference between hiding something and tending a secret. Hiding is dodging; tending a secret is incubating an evolution. Hiding gives off an unmistakable scent. It smells like self-pity, most often. Secrets, however, are not of this scent. Secrets can be right and proper, given appropriate temples & tenders. I do respect secrets fully, as I respect their telling. And you, as I, get to choose when secrets wait and when openings come.
Understand this, in Bringing Your Own Safety: safety is an aspect of relationship. It is built of Trust, which provides stable molecular structures for the verb known as Consent. As I have learned throughout countless seasons of dedicated study: Trust thrives where Respect is clear. Respect for one’s own nature, the nature of another, and all of nature.
You can trust these things here. Confidentiality, I respect. Timing, I respect. Honesty, I require. Compassion, I have in spades up every sleeve. What I fuel with my attention and care is the Creation of Consent. This is where my temple lives, so this is where we meet, where we can hone our edgework, and where we get to find out what safety feels like together.
V Club Confidential II
Lunar Glory
{Excerpt #3, journal of a sacred whore.}
Whatever precise or abstract theory one may have about Mary Magdalene, there is a distinct difference between thinking about Mary Magdalene and actually being Mary Magdalene.
Consciously making Love with the Divine in any given era, the current one quite spoken for, comes with certain requirements. It requires the will to love exactly what comes up, exactly as it is. It requires steadfast devotion and unshakable trust, as well as an outspokenly humble nature and a firm openness to growing–bolder, wiser, more compassionate–no matter what the circumstances. It requires willingness to always return to the work inside, to find one’s own hands making the shadow puppets upon the wall, to anoint those hands in scented oils and the smooth warm waters of Love.
Mary Magdalene is the thin, craggy Ironwood growing in the stark desert at the side of a constantly-traveled highway, seldom perched upon, seldom visited, seldom even noticed, saying in the language that touches all the elements: “I grow. I grow.”
Mary Magdalene is the tall, awkward dandelion stretching out of the minuscule crack between concrete and brick wall, reaching its face toward the sun, chanting the song of the faerie-footed passerby: “I don’t care what it looks like, I’m going to grow here!”
Mary, Beloved of Yeshua, she who makes Love with Everlasting Divinity, does not have the luxury of acting on her passing whims or dallying with fleeting edits. In the act of being intimate with the One, she does not get to keep only the parts she likes best and avoid the parts she’d rather not love. She does not get to be theoretical about her Consent. When she says “Yes” to the Divine, she says “Yes” to its every formation, its every delineation. In the exact Now moment, this includes everything.
Does this mean she has no choice? Does this mean she is doomed to affirm the suffering of the world, never to move beyond the acceptance of what is so, despite all the carnage and all the deception and all the slavery and all the coercion and all the brutality and all the horrors? Where is her Choice if she only says this one word? What is meant by the word repeating from her lips, constantly playing softly on these strings of her vocal chords, resonating from this brass of her open throat, spilling out into fingers and toe-tips every moment?
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
What is she saying? Every whisper a “Yes.” Every song, shout, smile, murmur, and wail: “Yes.” What does it mean? What has been missing from understanding, both of those who hate her and those who love her, those who wish to live purely from the drops of her blood in their embodied oceans and those who wish to malign and eradicate the honest memories of her contribution to the Whole?
There on the bridge between the extremes, what has been missing in consensual reality?
When she says “Yes,” it is an act of Creation.
She doesn’t say “Yes” out of lack; she doesn’t say it because she has no other choice, no better ideas. She certainly doesn’t say it because she can’t say something else. In fact, the only thing that makes “Yes” mean anything at all, anything other than the vocalization of linguistic evolution singing its strange sounds into nothingness—Da, Si, N’am, Ja, Ho, Yey, U’mme, Toh, Oui, Han, Nyeya, Tak, ‘Ae, Ioe, Ava, Webo, Sawa, Mm, Eeya, Han Ji, Ken, Ba’leh, Haha, Ee, Hai—is this: she has the full undauntable power of “No.” She has its every shape and size and color. She has its silence & its roar. She understands “No” better than anyone on the planet, better than the two-year olds who toss it about ceaselessly, better than the war-makers shooting its bullets into Final Showdown. She knows “No” in spades, in a royal flush, and she lets it rest in the infinite center of her Being where it darkens the stage for “Yes” to choose its spotlit dance.
“No” is a line. “Yes” is an act of Creation, using that very line to draw, to build, to mend, to sculpt, to write stories and letters and law.
When Mary, the Sacred Priestess of Magda, the Beloved Disciple, the Holy Daughter, says “Yes,” she is writing the Dream in that moment, hiding nothing, including everything, and choosing Love with a power so great as to turn the tides of Earth. Spinning “Yes” through every sunrise, weaving “Yes” through every moon, the One who makes Love with the One, oh yes, she knows precisely what Consent is.
Mary Magdalene is not a side character in some tired-ass mafia plot devised for world conquest.
Mary Magdalene is an archetype, a guru, a Way of discovery: She who makes Love with the Present.
Put in a different light, Mary Magdalene is the Present making Love with you. As you choose.
You feel me?
As an Ordained Priestess of Magdalene, I follow the rhythm of the blood and tides of the Moon. The Moon, she holds Mary’s face close to her own and kisses it with such loving abandon, a spectral halo enshrines them both. This is how the Lunar Glory came to be: round rainbow encircling the bright-eyed satellite, sinking its smile well into the tissues of the Earth, the Word made Flesh. Such smiles can last lifetimes. And to this I owe my existence.
One such rainbow shone the night of my Birth. And one in the midnight of my Initiation. I suspect one glows every inky black of my Death and every indigo twilight of my Rebirth.
I suspect you keep one below your navel and together we could find it.
I gather you can see mine with your eyes closed.
Bless your Yes, wherever you may find it. Bless your No, exactly from whence it comes.
Benedixitque sermo verborum Magdalene.