Next: we discuss the tattoo. Each attendant of these services will choose an inking that will open their physical experience here. It is agreed in our initial groundwork session, carefully outlined in the legal documentations, waivers, and consent forms, that each participant will be inked with a symbol of their choice, to commemorate their initiation.
To be clear, I am not suggesting that everyone the world over need adopt this practice. Not every sexual act need be matched with a mark. But it is part of my own regulations to demarcate the opening of a door. Responsible for the invitation I am giving. I must ask you to do this, you see. (Take a spin over to your local physics department and they’ll have a formula or three that may help.) It is crystal clear to me that the experiences and experiments we undertake will bring notable change to your consciousness, change that is real and lasting. (True of any experience, yes. We focus the lens.) It is important to physically acknowledge this, out loud, in the flesh, before overt sexual contact is generated. It is an important threshold for us, a gift I am committed to offering your sacred personage. (And yes, I believe wholly that my own experience changes me with each encounter, thus my own skin grows a symphony of liminal patterning, as you can see. You’ll be welcome to try to see it all at once, once you’ve come across your own doorstep.) The exact inking is open to your choice, both in location and detail. We will see to its completion in one session. It then serves as a useful reroute for neural pathways anytime we find ourselves immersed in memory functions that require immersive healing. You see the mark of your own threshold crossed and thus are supported to remain anchored in the infinity of the Present.
I trust you understand the purpose and importance of this step. If you don’t, please seek understanding. Questions are welcome and essential here.
I expect you to hold yourself in the highest esteem while you are here seeking my services; when that is unavailable, you must be able to acknowledge another person holding you in the highest esteem. I’m not here to fuck around. (Odd anyone would think otherwise.) I implore you: do not degrade your own experience with doubt. You have your own tools which you can wield with powerful magic, and we’re dedicated to cultivating your natural aptitudes here. Awaken senses. Accelerate heartbeat. Affect destiny. Align with the purpose of your choice. Come. Alive. Here.
Trust, I will say this every time:
Everything, every moment, is in a process of birthing & killing, dying & rebirthing.
Little deaths open doors for new beings. New beings bring new eras. It’s common, and yet commonly missed. In birth, the old form dies and transforms multiplied. Let go fully and you will become new.
It’s just like the Baptists are always going on about.
But without the witness of Consent, baptism, like sex, is just glorified dunking. Waterboarding, even. With Consent, it becomes a holy act, a flame of purification, a rope bridge turned to swinging catapult into warm waters at the flick of a sword. It’s what it feels like to call back home the devil and the god, to welcome them in from the snow, feed them warm soup, listen to them giggle together, in love. How it feels to love something from first conception to last contraction. To be rendered in two and remain whole.
These are the tools of the lineage. We apply them to the work of sexual healing, and here you have your sacred parthenogenesis. You’ve gone and pulled yourself out of your own cunt again.
In the work that honors this temple, it’s only right & proper that I express the truth of what I am capable. As well as the truth of my limitations & boundaries. That way, there’s quite a tidy & clear space for you to share of what you are, making way for what you are becoming.
For one thing, the person you will be will have an exceptional tattoo. That person will be utterly different each time we meet, and thus we nod to one another like a bow at the beginning of a long meditation or a handshake before a good thorough mud wrestling brawl.
Welcome, as I said, to the fold.
Between blankets and groundcover:
these arms.
If she was Mother she was Lover, Survivor,
or Both.
Mary, Holy Mother, and Miriam, Benedictia,
we honour and bow deeply in the temple
of Your creation.
Ecstatic Yes of Magdalene, of Miriam, of Inanna through Thérèse and beyond: we receive the gifts of your Choices.
With eyes open we add our own.
**Fine Print: The ink is, indeed, permanent but also alterable. Everything and nothing is permanent. You are free, of course, to suggest another physical alteration of your preference during this ceremony, provided you can speak clearly for why it is of special significance to you. It must be stored physically on the flesh. I say this not for my benefit but because it’s a reminder to you of your own Choice, and it provides you with a prompt to revisit this Choice each time it is encountered. Sati. Anchor. Consent.**