Vanni Gloria Rigamonte:
Sacred Whore, Therapist, Priestess of Magdalene, Initiate of OCDXI, Co-founder of Whore’s International Security Haunt, Director in Radical Rapist-Remediation Therapies, PhD, LMSW.
“What we can agree on, and hold to, with every integral pulsation, is Consent. What I want here is mutual fulfillment. Expanding capacities for enriching exchange, trustworthy living boundaries, self-awareness & inner knowing, compassionate listening & valued honest process. Your ability to listen with equanimity, in the presence of a No or a Yes: this will strengthen & continue to fortify your foundational growth in every turn of path you choose. Liberation, Love: this is the shape of my fulfillment. Best understand it includes you, every part, the greater-than summation, and the unfathomable immeasurable truth of your Being.”
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